New 'Read Only' Role?

On my Foundry environment, on the projects page filter, I see a new ‘Read Only’ role in addition to the normal Discover, Viewer, Editor and Owner roles.

What is this new role for? I cannot find the documentation or release note for it. It also does not seem to show up in the other places that the rest of the roles show up e.g. project access assignment…

Hi @tips ! I am also not aware of the introduction of a new “Read Only” default role to Foundry.

One possibility is that this is a “customer role” which your Org’s role administrator created. (Reference Documentation). Could you check if such new custom role is created on your organization?

As @yushi mentioned, this is not a new default role, so it was probably created by an Organization administrator. Alternatively, although less likely, it is possible that your Organization started collaborating with another Organization where the role was created, since it is possible to see roles created by any Organization that you collaborate with.

The reason that it is not available to select on a project is probably that it belongs to a new custom Role Set, which is not enabled on the Space that your project is in.