Not able to use UDF that calls an AIP Logic function in pipeline builder

I have scenario like this.

  1. AIP Logic function
  2. Python code repository that makes a call to AIP logic function from step 1
  def stock_data_classification(input_text: str) -> str:
      response = FoundryClient().ontology.queries.stock_data_classification_agent(input_text)
      return response
  1. Pipeline builder transform step that uses UDF from step 2

It failed and expecting me to pass hostname to FoundryClient. When I passed hostname, error was like get token failed.

NOTE: Everything is working fine when tested published function directly in code repository.

It’s not able to resolve hostname.

Can you describe in general terms what your AIP Logic function does? Would it be possible to replicate its functionality using a Use LLM block in Pipeline Builder?

Yeap. I’m settled for Use LLM in PB for now. My logic extracts data and labels them. I can’t repurpose this in other places as I put this in one pipeline.