Object-bound models in workshop

From what I can tell from these docs – if you have a model that has been bound to the ontology, then adding the model to your scenario widget in workshop will use the model to recalculate model-bound properties when an action is applied to the scenario. So, if I am displaying a scenario-backed object table with a column that is bound to a model output, I would expect that column to update if I apply an action to the scenario.

In my experience this isn’t working, so I have a few questions:

  1. Are there stipulations around the kinds of model inputs/outputs that are supported for this? (i.e. model must have as input a dataframe that matches object schema)
  2. Is the only way to do this actually to have a function-backed column that interacts with the model? If so, what is the point of adding a model to the scenario widget? Does this have any effect whatsoever?