I’ve been experiencing an issue using the Map Template widget when trying to visualize and manage a large set of objects.
When the object set is larger than 20,000 objects, one must enable the high scale rendering feature on the geometry panel, otherwise the objects rendered on the widget cap out at the 20k mark and you won’t visualize the rest of them.
However, when you enable this feature, the output object set available on the INTERACTION menu of the Map Template doesn’t seem to be working when selecting objects from the map.
When selecting multiple objects, the tooltip selector on the map shows the selected objects (287 in this example), but the “selected objects” output remains empty:
When we disabled the high scale rendering, selection worked as intended, with the “selected objects” output correctly populated with the selection from the map widget.
Has anyone encountered similar issues using this widget? We think it might be a bug, as high scale rendering is currently marked as a Beta feature.
Is this a known bug? Can someone from Palantir provide additional comments on this?
I’ll leave it to someone else to potentially answer about if there is a bug here. However, I’d love some further details on your intended use case / workflow, as my intuition is that there is probably solution design that both better manages the scale and helps your users accomplish their workflow with more precision.
(This is a heuristic I have that triggers pretty much whenever I see folks asking about "how do I allow users to select a lot of individual data points from a visualization that doesn’t actually have space to display a lot of individual data points; it obviously may not be relevant here.)
Thanks for reporting your question, this is definitely unexpected behavior.
When testing locally, map templates with high scale layers seem to correctly output the selected object set (even in cases where the selected set is large).
I am curious if there is something about your module setup that could be throwing off the selection interaction. In your example, does the [os] Map Selected Objects variable interact with any other widgets or Workshop events?
Alternatively, is there anything unique about the variable definition that could be overwriting the expected output (i.e. function definition, etc)?
It only works when you first select a number of objects, which are then listed on a box on the map widget, and then select a single object from said list:
Hi @lrhyne , apologies for the late response and thank you for yours.
We might end up using filters as an alternative to manage the data input of the table.
Even though, in this case, it might be a feasible workaround, we expect to have a similar situation down the road where manual selection is key because of the level of data granularity required for our analysis.