I have a rather complex object set definition problem that I cannot figure out a solution for. The following uses notional data to depict the problem:
I have a list of Flanker Runs that have a one to many relation with Flanker Update ontologies. When selected in the table on the left, I want to automatically choose the most recent Flanker Update (based on a timestamp property associated with each Flanker Update) and add it to a list of Updates that populate the table on the right.
Next, I want to be able to click on one of the Flanker Runs in the left table (active select not the multi-select checkbox) and have all of the linked Flanker Updates appear in the filter - single select - box on the bottom left.
When I choose an update from that filter, I want the table on the left to reflect the correct update. That is, if no update is selected in the bottom left the table should give the most recent update and if there is an update selected it should replace it with the chosen. BUT there can only be one update selected per parent.
I tried to create an object set definition based on a typescript function that I setup to do this. The code for the function is is as follows:
public finalFlankerUpdates(previousUpdates:ObjectSet,
// Function to return the most recent update of a flanker run
function recentUpdate(flanker_run:FlankerRun){
let updates = flanker_run.flankerUpdate.all();
let next = updates[0];
for (let i=0; i<updates.length; i++){
if (updates[i].timeStamp! > next.timeStamp!){
next = updates[i];
return next
// Check the list of previous updates against the activeFlankerRuns to see if updates need to be removed or added
let previousRuns = previousUpdates.searchAroundFlankerRun();
// Remove any updates from the previous list if their parent's are no longer in the activeRun list
let finalUpdates = previousUpdates.subtract(previousRuns.subtract(activeFlankerRuns).searchAroundFlankerUpdate());
// Grab any new parents that weren't in the previous list
let newParents = activeFlankerRuns.subtract(previousRuns).all()
// Add most recent update if there is a flankerRun in the active list that is not in the previous list
let update:ObjectSet<FlankerUpdate>
for (let i=0; i<newParents.length; i++){
update = Objects.search().flankerUpdate().filter(object => object.flankerUpdateId.exactMatch(recentUpdate(newParents[i]).flankerUpdateId));
finalUpdates = finalUpdates.union(update);
// Check for updates in the list that have the same parent as the selected update and replace
if (selectedUpdate.all().length > 0){
let updateParent = selectedUpdate.searchAroundFlankerRun().all()[0];
let duplicate = Objects.search().flankerUpdate().filter(object => object.flankerRunId.exactMatch(updateParent.flankerRunId))
finalUpdates = finalUpdates.subtract(duplicate).union(selectedUpdate);
return finalUpdates
The problem that I am running into is that I don’t have a way to monitor the current items in the list which is what I was trying to do by passing the previous list, but I was getting a circular dependence error when trying to set this up in workshop.
Is there a way to specify a function that takes the variable itself as an input argument to achieve the behavior that I am looking for? Any other suggestions for how to accomplish this would be greatly helpful!