Organization Markings Auditability Across Enrollment


This improvement proposal is relevant in the context of enrollments with multiple organizations.

There’s an Organization primitive available in the Access Graph. However, it is not possible to expand nor it provides any capabilities covering data inflows/outflows for a single organization:

When multiple organizations operate in the same enrollment, it would be great with one click to have an eagle-eye view of the 1) data exchanges, and 2) visibility. An example/idea, is presented below:

Why we cannot do it today:
There’s no native capability to monitor where OrgMarkings are being expanded. The data lineage capabilities greatly fulfill requirements that are relevant for engineers or within a single project context. However, it is not the right abstraction for a platform-wide overview.

One could attempt scraping all code repositories and apply a regex to find “stop_propagating”. However, requires scanning over the whole platform and the ability to establish the right data model and links.


  1. Clear auditability and a tool to govern and control data flows across multiple organizations in an enrollment at scale.
  2. Summarize all the data outflows from an Organization, and address key questions and strategic priorities relevant to those in high level executive roles - CDO, enterprise architects, and auditors.

PS: Inflows of data are in the data connection app. Representing this data exchange flows in the Access Graph is just an idea but not necessarily the best (disclaimer: I am not a product designer). It can be argued that a separate application is required to fulfill all these requirements. I hope this provides a good inspiration and I leave to the product team to design and understand what’s the most appropriate path forward.

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