I’ve often thought it would be incredibly useful to have a Tab widget that incorporates a hierarchical structure during development through the Workshop.
In reality, whenever we create a web page, there is always a hierarchical structure. For example, under a main category A, there might be subcategories a, b, and c, and under subcategory a, there could be smaller categories 1, 2, 3, and 4.
To create such a hierarchical Tab, I currently have to create multiple Sections in the Workshop and use Conditional visibility to make each section appear and disappear when a button is clicked. This approach is time-consuming and complex.
Therefore, I suggest developing a ‘Hierarchy Tabs’ widget as an enhancement to the existing Tabs widget in the Workshop. This new widget would allow for the display of structured buttons by main, sub, and smaller categories on the front-end. Each button could perform actions or trigger events, making the development process much more efficient.