Release timeline for Foundry Developer Accounts

Hi Everyone,

First of all, apologies if this isn’t a question suitable for this forum. I understand that free tier developer accounts are currently only available in certain countries (US and UK?), but is their a list of other countries that Palantir intends to roll these out to available somewhere?



Hi @mike567 ,

Thanks for your question.

You can find the full list of countries Developer Tier is available in on the sign up page (via At the time of writing this is Canada, India, UK and USA.

Those outside these countries can still sign up at the link above and join the wait list. We keep this list of countries under constant review and will let those on the wait list know when Developer Tier is available in their country.


Ok thanks. Will jump on the waitlist and wait to see if anything changes.


Hello everyone,

Wanted to start a new thread, but moderation pointed me to this link.
I joined the waiting list as an individual from non primary country. Does anyone has an rough idea how long it will take to get the developer instance so I can start hands-on learning?

Thanks in advance!