Sorting Nodes in a Hierarchical Layout on Vertex

I need to change the order of nodes within the same hierarchy level when displaying them in a hierarchical layout.
Could you please advise on a good approach to achieve this?

Hey! Thanks for the question - can you post a schematic (or screenshot with any data redacted) to help clarify precisely what the current state of your layout is and the desired end state?

thank you for your reply.
I have attached images showing the current state and the ideal outcome.
I would like to sort items in ascending or descending order based on a specific property when displayed in a hierarchical structure.

Thanks for the details. This makes perfect sense, but it’s not something that we currently support. I will file a feature request for the team to look at.

The only alternative I can think of is, if the nodes are at consistent positions in the hierarchy, you might be able to use the “cartesian” layout and hardcode the x and y locations of the nodes via a property so they are exactly where you want them.

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