I have a dashboard having 4 different tabs, I want to separate it into 4 different pages to increase performance, but there are many variables and queries written. how do i seperate those without manually copying all the queries and variables.
Hello Bharat,
There is, unfortunately no automated way to transfer tabs to pages. You could do the following steps to ease this migration:
- Select all of the contents of a tab and copy them (Ctrl/Cmd + C). Create a new page and paste them there (Ctrl/Cmd + V). This will transfer the widgets and will allow you to reposition them, but will be missing the variables, functions, queries and events.
- Export the Slate app as JSON (in edit mode click on File > Export in the top left bar). Manually edit it to move variables, functions, queries and events from the home page to the desired page (where you copied over the widgets). The json structure of a page resembles the global json structure - variables, functions, queries and events are specified as lists.
- Import the edited json to the slate app (in edit mode click on File > Import in the top left bar).
You can perform these steps on a duplicated version of the app to ensure you’re satisfied with the end result before applying the changes to the original app.
Please let me know if you need further instructions.