I am trying to write functions in typescript to use to back variables in Workshop for specific dates. So i can for example show a metric card that filters data to a specific week or month.
How would i create functions that would return the following? Would need a separate function for each so i can use the dates independently. Dates would be derived from today’s date, not from an object property.
I did a function more or less similar to your need not a long ago:
public startEndDateFromDate(date: LocalDate, isStart: boolean = true, isNext: boolean = false, bucketing: string ): LocalDate {
if ((bucketing !== "Month") && (bucketing !== "Year")) {
throw new UserFacingError("Your input in the bucketing part must be from the following list: [Month, Year].");
if(date === undefined) { throw new UserFacingError("No date given, calculation can't be computed") }
if (bucketing === 'Month') {
return (isStart === true) && (isNext === false) ? LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), 1) //first Day of current Month
: (isStart === true) && (isNext === true) ? LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), date.plusMonths(1).getMonth(), 1) //First Day of next Month
: (isStart === false) && (isNext === false) ? LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), date.plusMonths(1).getMonth(), 1).minusDays(1) //Last Day of current Month
: (isStart === false) && (isNext === true) ? LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), date.plusMonths(2).getMonth(), 1).minusDays(1) //Last Day of next Month
: LocalDate.now();
}else if (bucketing === 'Year') {
return (isStart === true) && (isNext === false) ? LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), 1, 1) //first Day of current Year
: (isStart === true) && (isNext === true) ? LocalDate.of(date.plusMonths(12).getYear(), 1, 1) //First Day of next Year
: (isStart === false) && (isNext === false) ? LocalDate.of(date.getYear(), 12, 31) //Last Day of current Year
: (isStart === false) && (isNext === true) ? LocalDate.of(date.plusMonths(12).getYear(), 12, 31) //Last Day of next Year
: LocalDate.now();
}else { return LocalDate.now(); }
You can adapt that and replace some of the parameter to fit your need
Hopes this helps you