Understanding the impact on user edits when migrating to Object Storage V2

Hi, when migrating an object type with edits from OSv1 → 2, the wizard says I acknowledge that when migrating to Object Storage V2 history of user edits (Actions) will not be preserved except for Action Logs.

What does this mean exactly. Is this correct?:

  • Edits history (The Phonograph record of who made changes to objects and when) will not be migrated,.
  • The edits themselves (the changes users have made to objects) will be migrated.
  • Action log objects won’t be impacted since they are a separate object type.

Thank you!

Your understanding here is correct. It’s only the history (Who made changes, when did they make changes, and older values) that are not preserved.

@declans What you describe was our experience with Phonograph to OSv2 migration, e.g. the edits the users had made were preserved.

Thank you both for the help!

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