Update Schema when it's greyed

How can I edit the schema when the preview is not given?

I know what I need to do but i don’t know how to update it in the platform:

I want to update the JSON Schema to be:

  "fieldSchemaList": [
    {"name": "FID", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "LAD24CD", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "LAD24NM", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "LAD24NMW", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "BNG_E", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "BNG_N", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "LONG", "type": "FLOAT"},
    {"name": "LAT", "type": "FLOAT"},
    {"name": "GlobalID", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "geometry", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "wkt", "type": "STRING"},
    {"name": "geojson", "type": "STRING"}
  "primaryKey": null,
  "dataFrameReaderClass": "com.palantir.foundry.spark.input.TextDataFrameReader",
  "customMetadata": {
    "options": {
      "addRowNumber": "false"
    "textParserParams": {
      "parser": "CSV_PARSER",
      "charsetName": "UTF-8",
      "fieldDelimiter": ",", 
      "recordDelimiter": "\n",
      "quoteCharacter": "\"",
      "dateFormat": {},
      "skipLines": 1,
      "jaggedRowBehavior": "THROW_EXCEPTION",
      "parseErrorBehavior": "REPLACE_WITH_NULL",
      "addFilePath": false,
      "addFilePathInsteadOfUri": false,
      "addByteOffset": false,
      "addImportedAt": false,
      "initialReadTimeout": "1 hour"

this line is the important one:

    {"name": "geometry", "type": "STRING"},

Hi @tommylees112 ,

Most likely you have tried this already, but if in the DataSet you go to:

Details > Schema, you can manually edit it.

Let me know if it worked

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