Warning when Quiver dashboard has been updated and impacts Workshop Module(s)

In workshop, I am using the Quiver Dashboard widget to display a series of charts created in a Quiver Dashboard.

I noticed that updates to the Quiver Dashboard do not get automatically propagated to the Quiver Dashboard Widget in Workshop. I discovered this only when inspecting the details in the Quiver Dashboard Widget in Workshop.

To ensure outdated Quiver Dashboard are not being displayed in Workshop and to promote more transparency when multiple users are owning different parts of resources that have dependencies, it would be great to let builders know when these inconsistencies manifests.
Flagging the need here, not sure what is the right solution is. Potential fixes could be to show on-screen notifications in Quiver about the impacted Workshop Modules, or making Workshop builders aware that Quiver Dashboard being shown is not on latest version or similar



The Embedded Quiver Dashboard widget in Workshop supports auto-updates (see below screenshot).

While this doesn’t necessarily flag when an outdated version of a Quiver dashboard may be shown (in case this isn’t toggled on), it would save developer time by turning this on for any relevant Workshop modules.

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