👋 Welcome to Ask the Community

Have ‘how do I’ question about Foundry or AIP? You’re in the right place!

We’re thrilled to have you here! Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a curious learner, this is the place to ask questions, share knowledge, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Posting on Ask the Community

Before you dive in, here are some friendly guidelines to ensure a good experience for everyone:

  • Search First: someone might have already answered it! Before posting a new question, use the search feature to check if someone else has already asked it. You might find the answer you’re looking for!

  • Use Tags: Tagging your question with the correct application will greatly increase the likelihood of a response. Please tag at the application level, vs feature level. For example, if you are asking a question about transforms use the code-repositories tag.

  • Be Kind and Respectful: We’re all here to learn and grow together, so let’s keep it positive.

  • Clear and Concise: When asking a question, provide relevant details and context. Be clear about what you need help with, so our community can assist effectively.

  • Guidelines and Terms: Familiarize yourself with our community standards and terms of use.

As a reminder, there is no guarantee of a reply from Palantir’s teams to anything posted on the Developer Community. If you are a Palantir customer with a support contract and require a response, please raise a support request via your usual channels.

Got questions? Ask away! :raised_hands: