Where is the access control for editing the data catalog?

Where can we control in Foundry the permission for editing the data catalog ?
・Users who see the “+New” button, as shown in the image above, can edit the data catalog.
・Users who don’t see this button can only view it.

This is managed from the organizations permissions in control panel: https://www.palantir.com/docs/foundry/projects/data-catalog/#collections-and-files

By default, only the organization administrators will have the permission to remove/add datasets there.

Thank you for your answer.

Is the setting for data catalog on control panel below?
・Add and remove resources from collections in Compass
・Manage collections in Compass

Correct, collections are groups of files and datasets in the data catalog: https://www.palantir.com/docs/foundry/projects/data-catalog#collections-and-files

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