Where is the Action Form's Date/time Picker Display Format Set?

I have an Action with a timestamp input. On the Action’s form this uses the Date/time picker selector, and when I open it, I can see the times in 24-hour format, like below, and can add a time in 24-hour format, e.g. 15:35.

Others users also want to do this, but complain that they see the Date Picker with an AM/PM selector and can’t write in 15:35. I don’t think I can control this in the Actions Forms part of the Ontology Manager.

The old date picker/the one I see:

The date picker on the same form see by my colleague:

In the past my colleague also saw the 24 hour based one.

This is probably a computer level setting? We compared, and both of us have computers where the region is set to show the time in 24 hour format.

We also looked at the User Settings in Foundry, but weren’t able to find a time/region related setting there. Looking in our browsers we also couldn’t see a setting.

Does anyone know what setting determines which format the date picker shows please?

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