I think it would be helpful to have a feature that easily retrieves a list of properties used in Workshop to make it easier to understand the impact on Workshop Applications when Ontology properties are changed.
Background of the proposal
As far as I have researched, the only way to identify the properties used in Workshop is to manually access widget and variable settings and check them one by one. It is also difficult to confirm them using the dependency graph.
This makes it extremely challenging to assess the impact of property modifications when the number of widgets and variables increases.
Therefore, to make this process more efficient, I propose a feature that outputs the properties used in Workshop in text format (such as csv , json) for each widget and variable.
This kind of feature has also been requested by our Foundry users and is relevant to our business.Please consider this proposal.
- Output example:
Component Ontology Name List of properties Widget A Ontology A [colA, colB, colC] Variable A Ontology B [colC]
Use case
Being able to retrieve a list of properties used in Workshop would make the following tasks more efficient:
- Impact assessment of changes in pipeline processing.
- Identifying properties that are not used in Workshop and should be deleted